YouTube Videos

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EFT for Chemotherapy with Larry Burk

Would you like to effectively cope with being afraid of cancer chemotherapy? Learn to tap away your fears of chemotherapy side effects. 11 minutes of EFT tapping, color breathing, therapeutic shaking and self-hypnosis with visualization for diminishing fears and side effects.

EFT for Cancer Surgery with Larry Burk

Would you like to effectively cope with the fear of cancer surgery? Learn to tap away your concerns about possible disfiguration and complications. 12 minutes of EFT tapping, color breathing, therapeutic shaking and self-hypnosis with visualization for dealing with worries about anesthesia, bleeding and pain.

EFT for Cancer Diagnosis with Larry Burk

Would you like to effectively cope with the stress of your cancer diagnosis? Learn to tap away your fears of death and cancer therapies. 12 minutes of EFT tapping, color breathing, therapeutic shaking and self-hypnosis with visualization for coping with fears of this life changing illness with possible suffering and disability.

EFT for Intermittent Fasting with Larry Burk

Would you like to heal your Type 2 diabetes with Intermittent fasting? Learn to tap away your resistance to time restricted eating. 14 minutes of EFT tapping, color breathing, therapeutic shaking and self-hypnosis with visualization for learning to skip or delay breakfast to give your digestive metabolism a rest and allow for autophagy.

EFT for Intuitive Eating with Larry Burk

Would you like to improve your relationship with food using intuitive eating? Learn to tap away your guilt about past failures at dieting. 12 minutes of EFT tapping, color breathing, therapeutic shaking and self-hypnosis with visualization for learning to eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full.

EFT for Insomnia with Larry Burk

Would you like to heal your insomnia rapidly without supplements or drugs? Learn to tap away the racing thoughts that may be at the root of your insomnia to get to sleep quickly. 12 minutes of EFT tapping, color breathing, therapeutic shaking and self-hypnosis with visualization for healing insomnia.

EFT for Reflux Heartburn with Larry Burk

Would you like to heal your esophageal reflux rapidly without surgery or drugs? Learn to tap away the stomach upset that may be at the root of your heartburn to release it from your gut. 13 minutes of EFT tapping, color breathing, therapeutic shaking and self-hypnosis with visualization for healing heartburn.

EFT for Chronic Neck Pain with Larry Burk

Would you like to heal your neck pain rapidly without surgery, drugs or injections? Learn to tap away repressed anger that may be at the root of your pain to release it from your neck. 13 minutes of EFT tapping, color breathing, therapeutic shaking and self-hypnosis with visualization for healing chronic pain.

EFT for Lower Leg Pain with Larry Burk

Would you like to heal your lower leg pain rapidly without surgery, drugs or injections? Learn to tap away the fear of moving forward in your life that may be at the root of your pain to release it from your leg. 12 minutes of EFT tapping, color breathing, therapeutic shaking and self-hypnosis with visualization for healing lower leg pain.

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