There might be an emotional component such as fear, anger, shame or grief underlying the pain and inflammation in your muscles, joints, pelvis, spine, chest, sinuses and skin that can be addressed without drugs using safe and inexpensive mind-body-spirit self-healing techniques. Your body may be attempting to get an important message to your conscious mind that there is an imbalance in your life you can learn to transform through Larry Burk’s Let Magic Happen Coaching Program.
Larry Burk, MD, CEHP, is a Certified Energy Health Practitioner who uses EFT tapping, hypnosis, dreamwork, expressive writing and the Enneagram in coaching you to heal physical illnesses, transform difficult emotions and enhance your performance. He does individual Zoom coaching and facilitates group experiential online courses where you can learn how to Let Magic Happen! Request a free 20-minute phone or Zoom consult to clarify your coaching goals through this contact link.
Wake Up from the Trance of Fear Workshop:
Mass Hypnosis 2001-2021:
Wake Up Now!
Wake Up from the Trance of Fear
Zoom, $50 off EARLYBIRD50 discount code
Sept. 7, 2024,
Saturday, 10 AM-3 PM EDT
Video recordings available on 9/8/2024
Wake Up from the Trance of Fear
Larry Burk, MD, CEHP, is a Certified Energy Health Practitioner who uses EFT tapping, hypnosis, dreamwork, expressive writing and the Enneagram in coaching you to heal physical illnesses, transform difficult emotions and enhance your performance. He does individual Zoom coaching and facilitates group experiential online courses where you can learn how to Let Magic Happen! Request a free 20-minute phone or Zoom consult to clarify your coaching goals through this contact link.
Would you like to heal your neck pain rapidly without surgery, drugs or injections? Learn to tap away repressed anger that may be at the root of your pain to release it from your neck. 13 minutes of EFT tapping, color breathing, therapeutic shaking and self-hypnosis with visualization for healing chronic pain.
See more YouTube videos.
If you don't find a specific video here that meets your needs you can use this generic 9 minute video from 2011. UTILIZE the Entire EDANVIR Tapping Protocol for EFT | Let Magic Happen.
Keeping a dream diary can be rewarding!
It is possible to get useful guidance about your health like the women in the Breast Cancer Dreams Research Project.
The results are highlighted in Larry Burk’s TEDx talk which got censored despite being based on his scientific research.
The original video of this 2/26/22 TEDx talk on Near-Death Experiences, Nearing-Death Awareness, Shared-Death Experiences and After-Death Communication was banned for unnamed "content violations."
The talk was rerecorded and released on 8/12/22 and is based on The Spiritual Alphabet Soup of Death and Dying.
Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases
"I know how true the contents of this book are from my personal and professional experience. Consciousness speaks in dreams, symbols, and visions. Dr. Larry Burk just completed a ground-breaking study involving 18 women who had warning dreams preceding the diagnosis of breast cancer. This book contains their stories and the stories of other dreamers with dreams of different types of cancer and other illnesses that came true. These dreams involved spirit guides, angels, voices, tactile intervention in the dream, synchronicities, symbolism, and visitations from deceased loved ones. The dreams were all validated by a medical report."
Zoom Workshop
Larry Burk, MD, CEHP
10 AM to 3 PM EDT
Register Here
$99.11 with $50 off
EARLYBIRD50 discount code down to $49.11
Video recordings available on 9/8/2024
Duke Integrative Medicine
Larry Burk, MD, CEHP
Durham, NC
6-8 pm EDT, In-Person & Zoom
Information & Registration
Aug 04, 2024
POSTED BY Larry Burk
For the past 23 years we have been under a mass hypnotic spell of terror beginning on 9/11/2001 and deepened during the past 4 years of the pandemic. It is time to awaken and take our power back from the predictive programming that is forecasting a dismal future. From the framework of propaganda pioneered by Sigmund Freud’s nephew, marketing mogul Edward L. Bernays of Madison Avenue fame, we can explore how the puppeteers of the invisible government are using the media to manufacture consent and compliance among the general population of the world. Read the rest of the Wake Up from the Trance of Fear blog.
Part 1 & Part 2 free videos
Part 3 - Using EFT & Imagery Experiential group exercise
22 min. edited High-Def video $4.99 in Let Magic Happen Store.
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