Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Lumbar Spine in People without Back Pain
Radiological Society of North America
1.5 Tesla Surface Coil MRI of the Knee
Rotator Cuff Tears: Prospective Comparison of MR Imaging with Arthrography, Sonography, and Surgery
MRI Safety by Frank Shellock, PhD
Jefferson Mindfulness Institute, Diane Reibel, PhD
MR Imaging of Patients with Intracranial Aneurysm Clips
Association for Research and Enlightenment
Emory Center for Ethics, Paul Root Wolpe, PhD
MR Procedures: Biological Effects, Safety and Patient Care
Hospital Fined by Health Dept. in Death of Boy during M.R.I.
Birthmarks and Birth Defects Corresponding to Wounds on Deceased Persons
The Diagnostic Validity of Human Electromagnetic Field (Aura) Perception
Society for Medical Decision Making
Alliance Institute for Integrative Medicine
American Board of Scientific Medical Intuition
The Doctor and the Psychic by Leon Curry, MD
From Thales to Lauterbur, or From the Lodestone to MR Imaging: Magnetism and Medicine
Animal-Speak & Animal-Wise by Ted Andrews
Foundation for Shamanic Studies
MANTRA Project, Mitch Krucoff, MD
Duke Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health
MANTRA Project, Jon Seskevich, RN, BSN, CHTP
The Foundation and Heritage of Duke University
Unconventional Medicine: Prevalence, Costs and Patterns of Use
Anodyne Imagery: An Alternative to IV Sedation in Interventional Radiology
Anodyne Imagery, Donna Hamilton
Wellness Consultants International, PLLC, Holly Forester-Miller, PhD
American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
International Association of Near-Death Studies
Afterlife Encounters by Dianne Arcangel
Love Lives On by Louis LaGrand, PhD
Final Gifts by Maggie Callanan, RN
Induced ADC by Allan Botkin, PsyD
Ultrasound and Mammography vs Mammography Alone in Women at Elevated Risk of Breast Cancer
Duke Center for Integrative Medicine
Duke Institute on Care at the End of Life
The People's Pharmacy, Joe Graedon, MS
Journey to Hope by Thomas Hudson, MD
UNC Program on Integrative Medicine
Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine
Screening for Breast Cancer: How Effective Are Our Tests? A Critical Review
Binaural Auditory Beats Affect Vigilance Performance and Mood
How to Swim with Sharks: A Primer by Voltaire Cousteau
Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, PhD
Holotropic Breathwork by Stanislav Grof, MD
The Wellness Alliance, Susan DeLaney, ND
Redford Williams, MD, and Virginia Williams, PhD
International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Esse Quam Videri: The Enduring Influence of Al Buehler
The Right Man Syndrome: Skepticism and Alternative Medicine
Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine
Medical Acupuncture for Physicians Course by Joseph M. Helms, MD
Harmony Gate, Ian Florian, LAc, PhD
Five Animal Frolics Qi Gong by Jay Dunbar, PhD
Noursihing Destiny by Lonny Jarrett, LAc, MS
Now, About My Operation in Peking
Oriental Health Solutions, LLC, Ken Morehead, LAc
Harmony Gate, Andy Prescott, LAc
Oriental Health Solutions, LLC, Dagmar Ehling, LAc
Oriental Health Solutions, LLC, herbal video tour
Shaking Medicine by Bradford Keeney, PhD
Across the Threshold Conference
Chuck Davis African American Dance Ensemble
Psychosomatic Compartmentalization: The Root of Qi and Blood Stagnation
Evaluation of a Meridian-based Intervention, EFT, for Reducing Specific Phobias of Small Animals
The Treatment of Combat Trauma in Veterans using EFT: A Pilot Protocol
EFT Downunder, Steve Wells, MPsych
Soul Medicine Institute, Dawson Church, PhD
Operaton Emotional Freedom by Eric Huurre
Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology
Acupuncturists Without Borders
The Body Keeps Score: Memory and the Evolving Psychobiology of Posttraumatic Stress
Single Session EFT For Stress-Related Symptoms after Motor Vehicle Accidents
Stanford Research Institute International
Poltergeists, Electromagnetism and Consciousness
Ganzfeld Psi Performance within an Artistically Gifted Population
Electrodermal Presentiments of Future Emotions
CIA-Initiated Remote Viewing Program at Stanford Research Institute
Experimenter Effects in Scientific Research: How Widely are They Neglected?
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Duke
Science of the Soul by Lee Lawrence
Warriors of the Lakota by Peter Burk, MA & John Connolly
Knife Chief Buffalo Nation, Jeff and Ed Iron Cloud
Conceptual Model of Paranormal Phenomena
Updating the Ganzfeld Database: A Victim of Its Own Success?
Detecting Mass Consciousness: Effects of Globally Shared Attention and Emotion
Correlations of Continuous Random Data with Major World Events
Experimenter Effects and the Remote Detection of Staring
Consider 'Experimenter Effect' in Alternative Medicine Research by Larry Burk, MD, CEHP
Major General Smedley D. Butler
The Doors of Perception by Tim O'Shea, DC
Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence by Steven Greer, MD
Let's Talk about Electromagnetic Fields
Electrohypersensitivity: State-of-the-Art of a Functional Impairment
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: Evidence for a Novel Neurological Syndrome
Cell Phones and Brain Tumors: A Review Including the Long-Term Epidemiologic Data
The Telecommunications Act of 1996: Protections Afforded the Telecommunications Provider
Woman Arrested for Allegedly Blocking SmartMeter Installation
The Biologic Effects of Grounding the Human Body During Sleep as Measured by Cortisol Levels
Raleigh Electrosensitivity Support by Andrew McAfee
Disconnect by Devra Davis, PhD
International Agency for Research on Cancer
North Carolina Integrative Medicine Society
Grounding Heavy Energy by Juan Nunez del Prado
Zapped by Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD
Dirty Electricity by Samuel Milham, MD, MPH
International Institute for Bau-Biologie and Ecology
BioGeometry by Ibrahim Karim, DSc
The Man Who Was Allergic to Radio Waves
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: A Systematic Review of Provocation Studies
Tumors and Cell Phone use: What the Science Says
Carcinogenicity of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields
Cell Phones: Read the Fine Print
Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms by Datis Kharrazian, DC
Eat Right for Your Type by Peter D'Adama, ND
American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine
Polyface, Inc. by Joel Salatin
Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions in Hospitalized Patients: A Meta-analysis of Prospective Studies
Gluten Sensitivity: From Gut to Brain
Effects of Ginkgo Biloba in Dementia: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Phosphatidylserine; Membrane Nutrient for Memory: A Clinical and Mechanistic Assessment
The Importance of Pharmacological Synergy in Psychoactive Herbal Medicines
Hydrochloric Acid: Physiological Functions and Clinical Implications
Curcumin in Cell Death Processes: A Challenge for CAM of Age-Related Pathologies
On the Trail of the Elusive X-Factor: A Sixty-Two-Year-Old Mystery Finally Solved
McFries Used to Be Sacred Food by Larry Burk, MD, CEHP
Jan 29, 2025
POSTED BY Larry Burk
Fast forward to early July 2024, and we are back on the dubious Moderna mRNA vaccine gravy train which is leaving the station soon with 176 million doses for the bird flu already ordered by the US government. You don’t think they would order it, if they don’t intend to use it? Coincidentally, a study was published in Nature a week later detailing risky gain-of-function research on pathogenicity and transmissibility of cattle-derived H5NI virus. As documented in RFK, Jr.’s The Wuhan Cover Up, vaccine development often goes hand in hand with bioweapons research. Read the rest of the Bird Flu: Won’t Get Fooled Again blog.
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