Feb 13, 2016
How would you like to understand symptoms from a symbolic perspective and use these insights to facilitate healing? Holistic radiologist Larry Burk and medical intuitive Winter Robinson will be exploring these ideas in weeklong spring and fall workshops at the Monroe Institute as described in the February 2016 Let Magic Happen newsletter Monroe Medical Intuition Workshop, 2016 dates. Please see the outline below for the daily schedule and this 6 minute video for a description of the experience.
Daily Monroe Institute Workshop Schedule
Early morning group dream interpretation
Morning CHEC Unit intuitive hemi-sync exercises
Afternoon intuitive diagnosis/EFT demonstrations
Late afternoon experiential group learning exercises
Evening five element lectures/chi gong practice
Jan 29, 2025
POSTED BY Larry Burk
Fast forward to early July 2024, and we are back on the dubious Moderna mRNA vaccine gravy train which is leaving the station soon with 176 million doses for the bird flu already ordered by the US government. You don’t think they would order it, if they don’t intend to use it? Coincidentally, a study was published in Nature a week later detailing risky gain-of-function research on pathogenicity and transmissibility of cattle-derived H5NI virus. As documented in RFK, Jr.’s The Wuhan Cover Up, vaccine development often goes hand in hand with bioweapons research. Read the rest of the Bird Flu: Won’t Get Fooled Again blog.
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