Mar 29, 2013
The techniques in Anodyne Imagery can be modified for personal use in stressful situations. You can apply them to dental procedures, MRI scans, having blood drawn or other anxiety provoking events. The steps for relaxation breathing, preferred place imagery and symptom management are described below in the 10 minute video. For details on how I learned about it from Donna Hamilton, see the March 2013 Let Magic Happen newsletter, Anodyne Imagery.
The imagery steps are as follows:
1) Inform the personnel who will be working with you that you will be using imagery and relaxation techniques to manage any discomfort during the procedure.
2) Eliminate negative language from the dialogue and consciously use positive or neutral language to create self-confidence and relaxation.
3) Do relaxation breathing by beginning with a complete expiration, followed by a deep inspiration of relaxation and another expiration to just completely let go.
4) Use nonspecific preferred place imagery by asking, “What favorite place would I prefer to be in right now?”
5) Manage symptoms with the suggestion, “Allow an image to come up that represents that symptom.” Then modify the image to make it more comfortable.
6) Learn to trust your intuition as it works with the proper healing intention to come up with the appropriate images and modifications at just the right time.
Nov 26, 2024
POSTED BY Larry Burk
What if you could eat whatever you want this holiday season without guilt? Just follow the guidelines provided in the 4th edition of Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Anti-Diet Approach by Evelyn Tribole, MS, RDN, and Elyse Resch, MS, RDN, which can be summarized as eat when you are hungry, and stop when you are full. Seems too good to be true, but the first chapter covers dozens of research studies that have been done since the 1st edition in 1995 showing that there are many good reasons to follow this approach. Read the rest of the Intuitive Eating for the Holidays blog.
Part 1 & Part 2 free videos
Part 3 - Using EFT & Imagery Experiential group exercise
22 min. edited High-Def video $4.99 in Let Magic Happen Store.
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