Sep 27, 2012
In the September 2012 Let Magic Happen newsletter I describe numerous studies showing an unexpectedly high incidence of abnormalities of the spine, knee and shoulder on MRI scans in asymptomatic volunteers. The relationship between MRI findings and physical symptoms can be described in terms of four general categories. It is important to determine which one of these four categories you fall into before making treatment decisions based on MRI scans and clinical symptoms.
An explanation is provided below with an accompanying 8 minute video.
The four categories have significantly different treatment recommendations as follows:
1. Asymptomatic musculoskeletal lesions discovered as incidental findings on MRI scans done for other purposes - no treatment is required and if symptoms do eventually develop the possibility that the cause is due to a related psychospiritual emotional issue should be considered.
2. Symptoms with no musculoskeletal MRI findings - alternative therapies should be the first line of treatment since drugs are unlikely to be of benefit in the absence of inflammation and may result in side effects.
3. Symptoms of inflammation that may have corresponding MRI findings - surgery is usually not required except in infected abscesses, and drugs may suppress the effects of inflammation, but do not address the root causes which are better approached with alternative therapies.
4. Symptoms due to mechanical causes correlated directly with MRI findings - surgery may be the only option, although alternative therapies may help to address associated inflammation and psychospiritual emotional issues preoperatively that will lead to a better surgical outcome.
Jan 29, 2025
POSTED BY Larry Burk
Fast forward to early July 2024, and we are back on the dubious Moderna mRNA vaccine gravy train which is leaving the station soon with 176 million doses for the bird flu already ordered by the US government. You don’t think they would order it, if they don’t intend to use it? Coincidentally, a study was published in Nature a week later detailing risky gain-of-function research on pathogenicity and transmissibility of cattle-derived H5NI virus. As documented in RFK, Jr.’s The Wuhan Cover Up, vaccine development often goes hand in hand with bioweapons research. Read the rest of the Bird Flu: Won’t Get Fooled Again blog.
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